WE WILL REOPEN April 1st, RE-ENERGIZED, RESTOCKED, AND READY TO GIVE YOU OUR BEST. Open by Appointment Only, Most Days, from 10 AM to 4 PM

Chakana Sky Alpacas

Heritage - Harmony - Sanctuary

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Hats by Stacey - Custom & Handcrafted

Our alpacas' yarn accenting your choice of colorful wool or acrylic yarns

Custom Alpaca Hats by Stacey


Our super fan Stacey makes these great hats to your specification using alpaca yarn from our farm to accent either wool or acrylic base or fill-in yarn.  You select the color of the yarns, size, and options such as alpaca fur pom-poms and other "flair".  Your hat can be picked up at our farm store or shipped to you for a reasonable fee.  Please contact us to discuss your order and to arrange for payment.

Link to order form:

Chakana Sky Alpacas Hat Orders (1).pdf

Monday, January 25, 2021