WE WILL REOPEN April 1st, RE-ENERGIZED, RESTOCKED, AND READY TO GIVE YOU OUR BEST. Open by Appointment Only, Most Days, from 10 AM to 4 PM

Chakana Sky Alpacas

Heritage - Harmony - Sanctuary

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Our Products

Things we sell in our store and on the road.

Chakana Sky Alpacas is pleased to provide a wide range of alpaca fiber products for you to browse.

Our alpacas produce fiber and lots of it.  While being sheared the fiber is sorted into the prime blanket, seconds and thirds.  The prime fiber is skirted to provide the mill with a blanket that is uniform in fineness and length.  All fiber is picked to remove second cuts, vegetable matter, and other unusable material. 

Our first year we delivered all of our fiber to the New England Alpaca Fiber Pool (NEAFP) in Fall River, MA. They consolidate the fiber from many farms across North America, sorting, grading and baling.  800 lb bales are sent out to textile mills in the USA to be made into products for NEAFP.  These products are then made available to registered farmers to sell in their farm stores.  Farmers can purchase these products at wholesale or discounted price points depending on their fiber contribution. 

Most of the clothing items for sale in our store are from NEAFP.  High quality, made in the USA.  In 2019 we are also working with other wholesalers to obtain fair trade clothing and other fun items sourced from Peru. Our Farm Store carries a large variety of styles and colors of hats, scarves, shawls, gloves, mittens, socks and boot inserts as well as some totes, gifts, and accessory items.

In 2017 we decided to have our prime fiber made into yarn by Fitch Fibers/Six Paca Farm in Bozrah, CT.  This is a small mill that does fiber processing for farmers, producing products like knitter's yarn and rug bumps.   The owner, Linda Adelman is very knowledgeable and particular about fiber processing so her mill produces excellent quality items for her farmer customers. The yarn and rug bumps we have for sale are produced by Six Paca Farm using the fiber from our alpaca herd. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019